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Marvaco InSight 2021 The Power of Sustainability

julkaisuajankohta: 25.03.2021

Marvaco InSight 2021 – The Power of Sustainability

Marvaco InSight seminar was arranged on March 17th for the 5th time to FMCG brand owners and retailers. The event has grown year-by-year, and now the online webinar had over 300 participants representing 80 different brand owners from around the world.

The seminar topic The Power of Sustainability – Brand Packaging in Green Transformation was a subject to inspire the speakers and the audience. The 90-minute seminar had five speakers sharing their insights on sustainability, marketing and the influence on covid-19 on packaging business. This year’s event was organized in cooperation with UPM Specialty Papers.

Dr. Marina Beermann, Director of EDEKA/netto/budni partnerships at WWF Germany, opened the seminar with the key-note presentation “The Real Value of Sustainability for a Brand – The Split between Ecology and Economy”. She expressed how the cooperation between WWF and FMCG retailers in Germany works for the favor of ecological and economical well-being.

Andrew Stack, Designer and Strategist at pacproject GmbH, addressed in his presentation about how sustainability can be communicated on packaging. He presented various examples with the conclusion that the packaging should tell a story, as well as, the product and content should reflect sustainability.

Kai Lankinen, Executive Partner at Marvaco Ltd, enlightened how packaging printing can help meet the carbon neutral goals with Expanded Gamut Printing, EGP™. The common expectation with the EGP and GreenerPrinting™ solution is to reduce the carbon footprint by 20% compared to spot color printing.

Jan De Roeck, Marketing Director at Esko, presented a summary of the covid-19 influence on consumer behavior before, during and after the pandemic. One interesting post-pandemic expectation is that consumers will look for more sustainable local products that represent value with affordability.

Tommi Heinonen, Head of EMEA Sales at UPM Specialty Papers, presented how co-creation, i.e. collaboration between brand-owners, converters and other stakeholders, can speed up development of sustainable packaging material alternatives. Functional papers with barrier properties can be co-created to meet more challenging end-use requirements.

The polls between presentations gave an interesting insight of the audience preferences on current sustainability topics. Questions & answers after each presentation enabled an interactive dialogue between the audience and speakers online.

The hosts Antti Mikkilä and Tommi Heinonen encountered an intriguing challenge to navigate the audience and speakers through the very first Marvaco InSight webinar.

Information about the previous Marvaco InSight seminars for brand owners

2018 Marvaco InSight – Expanded Personality of Brand Packaging:
Seminar with keynote speakers CSW USA (Nestlé) and HP (Case Nutella &, ...)
Link: Marvaco InSight 2018

2016 Marvaco InSight – The Selling Power of Packaging Design:
Seminar with keynote speaker Rowland Hemming, UK (Unilever, Coca-Cola, Kraft,...) 
Link: Marvaco InSight 2016

2015 Marvaco InSight – Efficient Design Sells More!:
Seminar-2 with keynote speaker Lars Wallentin, CH (Nestlé: Nestlé, Nescafé, Maggi, Buitoni, Nesquik or KitKat,...) 
Link: Marvaco InSight 2015 

2014 Marvaco InSight – Communication of Packaging!
Seminar with keynote speaker Lars Wallentin, CH


More information:
Kai Lankinen

Tags: #Sustainability #Packaging #BrandColors #GreenerPrinting #ResponsibleProduction #ExpandedGamut #EGP #HiQ_EGP

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