Excellence in Flexography Awards 2023
publication date: 2023/04/18

Success in FTA 2023 Awards for Adara and RKW Finland
Two packaging printers were awarded in Columbus, USA. Adara received gold medal and Best of Show, and RKW Finland received the Sustainability Award in the FTA Excellence in Flexography Awards 2023 packaging printing competition.
The FTA Awards are considered the world’s most demanding flexographic printing competition, recognizing the best flexographic printers each year. The nominations for the finals are selected by the experienced jury from hundreds of print samples, which this year resulted in a gold medal, Best of Show Award and Sustainability Award for Marvaco’s customers.
The jury gave special recognition to Adara's awarded corrugated post print job from Social Burger Joint, as the prints was excellent even in the challenging post print method. The judges said: "This print sample received Best of Show for several reasons. There is amazing black ink laydown, and super fine tone and small dot reproduction. The vignettes are excellent and registration is very tight, with an almost perfect match to proof. And a strong use of coatings adds both value and visual impact."
RKW Finland was honored with the recognised Sustainability Excellence Award, that is given to companies who demonstrate a commitment and pursuit of sustainable package printing. The implementation and long-term use of Expanded Gamut Printing (EGP) to eliminate the spot colors with process printing had an important role in achieving better sustainability.
Read more about RKW Finland's sustainability award here.
More information about the competition and get familiar with the companies:
Tags: #Sustainability #GreenerPrinting #HiQ_EGP #EGP #ExpandedGamut #CMYKOGV #ECG #FixedPalette #FCP #BrandColors #Flexogaphy #Packaging #Pakkaus #Marvaco #Adara #RKWFinland